Prophecy Update – Peace In Israel



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Peace In Israel

We like every week to bring what we call a Prophecy Update.  We show how news and trends in the world are corroborating centuries-old
prophecies found in the Bible.

With all eyes on Israel and the many conflicts she has with the Arab and Muslim world, I found one piece of news especially interesting.

On May 25th Reuters reported a story titled, Muslim Nations Link Better Ties With Israel To Peace.

Here are excerpts from that story:

Muslim countries meeting in the Syrian capital criticized Israel on Monday but said they were open to better ties with the Jewish state if it took steps towards a “just and comprehensive” Middle East peace deal.

“It should be affirmed that any progress on ties must be linked to how much the Israeli position represents a commitment to a just and comprehensive peace that guarantees the restoration of rights and occupied land,” the statement said.

US President Barack Obama is due to address the Muslim world on June 4 from Cairo, a seat of Islamic learning and one of only two Arab countries to have signed a formal peace treaty with Israel.

The other is Jordan whose monarch, King Abdullah, said that Obama was forming a Middle East peace plan that could involve normalization of ties between Israel and the whole Muslim world.

{ read the whole article }

Itʼs interesting for the following reasons.  The fact that the Muslim world is promoting better ties with Israel for a peace agreement might be a step toward the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

The Bible says that the antichrist will confirm a covenant with the Jews for a period of seven years according to Daniel 9:27.  Some Bible scholars believe he comes to confirm an already existing covenant.  If that is true then a covenant must be already in place before he arrives on the scene.

In chapters two and seven of Daniel and in chapter seventeen of the Revelation you read about a confederacy of perhaps mostly Middle Eastern nations that will give their power to the antichrist who confirms an already existing covenant. This confederacy might enter into a covenant with Israel so both the Jewish state and the Islamic world can co-exist together. The antichrist comes at a later date to confirm and strengthen the covenant for seven more years.

So an Islamic union that enters into some sort of peace agreement with Israel is exactly what you might predict from reading the Bible.  And it is exactly what you see being played out in the news.

The very fact we are talking about Israel at all is a fulfillment of many Bible prophecies.

These are the last days.  Nothing need occur before Jesus returns to resurrect and rapture His church off the earth.  The fact we see so much occurring with regard to Israel, the advancement of cashless technologies, and various other trends only heightens our awareness of the imminent return of the Lord.

Get ready, stay ready, keep looking up.

Ready or not, Jesus is coming!

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