Prophecy Update – Rome And Jerusalem


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Every Sunday we present a prophecy update. We show how news and trends in the world corroborate centuries-old prophecies you read in the Bible.

The Book of Daniel indicates that in the “last days” Israel will sign a peace treaty with her many neighbors that appears to be brokered or negotiated or confirmed in some way by a leader from Rome (see Daniel 9).

Thus I find it interesting that Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was recently in Jerusalem.

Let me quote from a February 3rd article written by Joel Rosenberg. ((

On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu welcomed Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the Italian cabinet for a series of joint meetings with the Israeli cabinet. He also hosted a… dinner for the Italian delegation at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. Netanyahu described the leader from Rome as “one of Israel’s greatest friends, a courageous leader who is a great champion of freedom and a great supporter of peace.” Netanyahu said this despite the fact that the Associated Press reports Italy is the leading trading partner with Iran in the E.U.

Berlusconi was one of only three leaders in Western Europe who voted against the anti- Israel U.N. resolution last fall regarding the Goldstone Commission Report (the other two were German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Netherlands Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende).
Berlusconi, who brought eight senior members of his government, [said] that Rome considers Jerusalem one of its closest allies and considers Israel a part of Europe. “As long as I am one of the shapers of politics,” the Roman leader stated, “my greatest dream is to include Israel among the European Union countries.”

If indeed the Antichrist of the Bible is directly from Rome, this is exactly the kind of cooperation you’d expect from reading Bible prophecy.

Does anything need to happen before Jesus returns to resurrect and rapture the church? No. And that’s why I like to end these updates by saying:

Get ready, stay ready, keep looking up.

Ready or not, Jesus is coming!

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