Prophecy Update – UFO Sightings



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UFO Sightings

We like every week to bring what we call a Prophecy Update.  We show how news and trends in the world are corroborating centuries-old prophecies found in the Bible.

UFOʼs are a phenomena we must account for.  According to research by Dr. Hugh Ross:

•There have been more than ten million UFO sightings.

•There have been more than one thousand cases of ‘physical effects’ from a UFO.

•There are more than two thousand cases of contact with alien ‘astronauts.’

One in every ten Americans has seen a UFO, including presidents Andrew Jackson and Jimmy Carter and astronauts James McDivitt and Gordon Cooper.

There was a lot of UFO activity recently – at least in the news!  On June 16th ran a story titled, UFO Spotted at Virginia Amusement Park?


Denna Smith is a writer who hopes to work with Tyler Perry someday, but, she says, even she couldn’t make this story up.

“We were like what is that, we were all stopped and we were astonished,” said Smith. Smith and her family were at Kings Dominion when they saw a black floating ring in the sky. “Is this the end of the world, what is going on?” Smith wondered.

Kings Dominion says the ring is smoke from a ride called Volcano. UFO investigator, Cameron Pack, agreed. Pack said he’d be convinced it was just smoke if it weren’t for pictures of a similar sighting at Fort Belvoir, taken sometime in the 1950s.

{ read the entire article }

Also on the 16th in the UK ran this story: UFO Calls After Giant Meteor Shower.


Reports of strange lights in the English Channel last night have been put down to a meteor shower, coastguards said today.

Calls were made to stations from Hampshire down to Brixham in Devon and across to Jersey and France at about 9.30pm, with people saying they were seeing white and green flares in the sky.

A Solent Coastguard spokesman said: “There were reports of flares all down the coast which went on for about half an hour but there was a forecast for a meteor shower.”

{ read the entire article }

On June 8th, reported, Did You See a UFO Over Norwich?


A yellowish white object in the sky has been spotted, prompting calls for witnesses to the mysterious sighting to come forward.

William Pleass, of Earlham Green Lane, spotted the object from his bedroom window this morning (Monday) at about 2.45am.

He said: “I was roused by my partner to look from our bedroom window on Earlham Green Lane at a yellowish white object in the sky.

“She said that she had also seen it on other recent nights, that it had ‘lights on it’ and that she had seen it move.

“While I was thinking it might be one of the stars it started to look as if it were spinning on its own axis and that this spin was slowing down.

“Then it made a few short darting movements culminating in what I thought for an instant might be a fall from the sky but was only to an elevation one or two degrees lower.

“Shortly afterward it disappeared for about 10 minutes, possibly behind cloud. I fetched some binoculars when it reappeared and seemed to see a varying luminous shape, often elliptical, with brighter lights around the perimeter.

{ read the entire article } ran this on June 3rd: Royal Navy Warship Almost Fires on UFO.


A Royal Navy warship may have come within seconds of opening fire on Unidentified Flying Objects above Merseyside, possibly narrowly avoiding the precipitation of an interstellar war and the extirpation of humanity by testy aliens.

Reports have it that the UFOs – speculated to have been visiting spacecraft from beyond the solar system – were tracked on naval weapons radars.

{ read the entire article }

What are we to make of all this?

John Keel, who is by the way an agnostic, is a world renowned expert on UFO’s.  He sees parallels between demons and UFO’s.

He writes,

Thousands of books have been written on the subject of demonology, which is the ancient and modern scholarly study of monsters and demons.  The manifestations and occurrences described in this literature are exactly identical to the UFO phenomenon.

Victims of demonic possession suffer from the same medical and emotional symptoms as the UFO contactees. ((cited in Extraterrestrials, Mark Hitchcock, p. 118))

A ‘demonological’ explanation of UFO’s accounts for all the variables.

This explosion of UFO sightings could very well be a time of preparation for the last-days invasion of planet earth prophesied in the Book of the Revelation.  At one point a demon-army 200 million strong is released to torment the inhabitants of the earth during the Great Tribulation.

Alternately, there are those in the New Age community who speak about the removal from our planet of millions of individuals as ‘aliens’ make real contact with us.  It sounds a great deal like the rapture of the church.

The UFO phenomena is real.  It is demonic.  It is Satan, “the prince of the power of the air,” working overtime to deceive the human race.

Expect millions more to witness UFO’s and have ‘alien’ encounters.  When you read about them remember that they are a sign that these are the last days described in your Bible.

Get ready, stay ready, keep looking up.

Ready or not, Jesus is coming!

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