Wake Me Up When The Danger Ends (Psalm 17)

Psalm 17 - Wake Me Up When The Danger Ends


David prays a night prayer that God would deliver him from the savage lions that are about to destroy his life. Can God be counted on to answer?


Psalm 17     Exodus 2:24-25     Psalm 91:15     Jeremiah 33:2-3


“How is this possible? It’s only possible because God comes to the rescue. To understand how that happens, we have to go back to verses 11 and 12. There the lions are surrounding David. He had killed lions and bears before, but this was too much. How would he be rescued from that scene?
The real rescue happens in Psalm 22. Where we see again the enemy dogs and bulls and lions surrounding David. And in that terrible scene, Jesus Christ comes and says, ‘I’ll stay and be devoured so you can escape.’ I will die so you can live. The scene ends at Calvary. And there we see not only the depth of God’s love for us, but even for these enemies. These stiff-hearted killers. What did Jesus say as He hung on the cross? ‘Father forgive them, they don’t know what they’re doing.'”

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