Without Friends Like These, Who Needs Economies? (Ecclesiastes 4:4-16)

Ecclesiastes 4:4-16 - Without Friends Like These, Who Needs Economies?​


The Teacher considers how humans pursue wealth instead of relationships and how that leads to disaster personally and nationally.


Ecclesiastes 4:4-16     Job 5:2     Proverbs 14:30     Ecclesiastes 2:24     Galatians 6:1


“We’re not supposed to live in competition. Not with the Joneses, not with the guy in the next cubicle, not with the church down the street. And though isolation can be easier in the short-run, it’s deadly in the end.
The Lord knows we need community and family and friendships. Think of how many arrangements God has established for us so that we can have the connections we need: Family, friendship, neighborhoods, the Church, nations, countless associations. From the beginning, the Lord said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone.’ And then He started providing these points of meaningful connection.”

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