Worship While You Wait (Psalm 33)

Psalm 33 - Worship While You Wait


A new year, the same God! In Psalm 33, we are invited to reflect on the greatness of God’s power and love and to respond with worship while we wait for Him to do what He wants to do.


Psalm 33     Psalm 2:1-2     Psalm 20:7     Psalm 95:4-5     Psalm 147:4     Ecclesiastes 3:14


“God’s looking is highlighted here. First, we see that even though His throne is in heaven, He chooses to occupy Himself with our lives. And then, where we read the word “observes,” the term doesn’t only mean to view something, it can mean to understand or to become acquainted with. Another dictionary explains it means He stares at us. When’s the last time you were stared at?
God is locked in on your life. He’s watching with care and concern. But He is also watching to evaluate. Remember: He is the Judge and things we say and do matter to Him. They will be rewarded or discarded when we stand before Him in eternity. But be sure that He was carefully, personally watching your life today and will do so tomorrow because He is truly concerned for you.”

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