Lessons & Carols Dec 24 @ 5pm

Wiseguy (James)

James 1:1 – The Name Is Bondservant, James Bondservant

James introduces himself to his audience as a bond servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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James 1:2-4, 12 – Joy Я Us

James tells us that we should cultivate joy when trials befall us.

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James 1:5-11 – A Double-Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Embrace

James calls us double-minded if we ask God for wisdom then doubt that He will give it to us.

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James 1:13-18 – Put Your Best Fruit Forward

James encourages us to overcome temptation because we are the first-fruits of the harvest who go forward with the Gospel.

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James 1:19-27 – Mirror, Mirror of the Lord, He’s the Fairest of Them All

James encourages us to look into the mirror.

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James 2:1-13 – Goldfingered

James denounces the partiality being shown to wealthy visitors wearing fine clothing and gold rings.

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James 2:14-26 – Show Me Don’t Play

If you say that you have saving faith, James says, “Show me” by helping your destitute brother or sister, rather than sending them away hungry.

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James 3:1-12 – Pit Got Your Tongue?

To emphasize his point that your tongue can cause incredible harm, James says “it is set on fire by Hell”.

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James 3:13-18 – I Zeal Good

Do you have a zeal for the Lord that is heavenly and good, or one that is earthly and bad?

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James 4:1-12 – Practically Prodigal In Every Way

James describes believers in the church as though they were prodigals living at home.

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James 4:13-5:6 – Planning Ommissioners

James blasts believers who omit God from their planning.

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James 5:7-12 – Hi-ho, The Derry-o, The Farmer In The Bi-bell

James uses the farmer as one example of patient waiting for the coming of the Lord.

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James 5:13-20 – Oil Sick

James instructs those who are severely sick to call upon the church elders to anoint them with oil.

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